The Youtube Formula --FOREWORD BY MR BEAST

  FOREWORD Everyone should have a YouTube channel. Literally everyone, but especially brands. When I see brands that don’t have a presence on YouTube, I think they’re insane. It’s unfathomable that anyone isn’t capitalizing on the opportunity there. It’s the most coveted job in America, and with good reason. It is quite literally a gold mine. 每个人都应该有一个YouTube频道。每个人,尤其是品牌。当我看到那些在YouTube上没有建立起影响力的品牌时,我觉得他们疯了。令人费解的是,还会有人不好好利用youtube提供的机会。这是美国最令人垂涎的工作,并且充分的理由支撑。这简直就是一座金矿。 When I was a kid, I watched YouTube all the time. It was always my dream job. I didn’t want to be an astronaut or a doctor—I couldn’t envision a world where I wasn’t a YouTuber. I started my channel in 2012 and only got 40 subscribers my first year. Now I have one of the fastest growing channels in the world. I gained more than 15 million subscribers in 2019 alone with just over 4 billion video views. And it’s still growing every day. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我一直在看YouTube。这一直是我梦寐以求的工作。我不想成为一名宇航员或医生——我无法想象我的世界中没有YouTuber。我在2012年创办了我

Convergence problems and divergent problems

 Convergence problems and divergent problems

We know that there are problems that have been solved and problems that have not been solved. Perhaps we think that the former is not a problem; But when it comes to the latter, are there still problems that have not been solved or even can not be solved at all?

First, let's take a look at the problems that have been solved. Take a design problem as an example. For example, how to make a two-wheeled human transport? People have put forward various solutions, and these solutions are converging day by day. Finally, a design scheme stands out, which is a bicycle. As a result, this answer will be handed down forever. Why does this answer last forever? Because it conforms to the laws of the world - the laws of the inanimate nature.

I intend to refer to problems of this nature as "convergence problems". The more you study them rationally, the more these answers will come together. These problems can be divided into "convergence problems that have been solved" and "convergence problems that have not been solved". The word "not yet" is very important because, on the whole, they will eventually be solved. Everything takes time, but the time has not come to solve these problems. What is needed is more time, more R & D funds, and perhaps more talents.

However, there are also many capable people who are ready to study a problem but have come up with contradictory answers. They do not come together. On the contrary, the more they are clarified and the more their logic is strengthened, the more divergent they become until some of the answers seem to be just opposite to others. These are divergent problems.


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The Youtube Formula --FOREWORD BY MR BEAST

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