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The Youtube Formula --FOREWORD BY MR BEAST

  FOREWORD Everyone should have a YouTube channel. Literally everyone, but especially brands. When I see brands that don’t have a presence on YouTube, I think they’re insane. It’s unfathomable that anyone isn’t capitalizing on the opportunity there. It’s the most coveted job in America, and with good reason. It is quite literally a gold mine. 每个人都应该有一个YouTube频道。每个人,尤其是品牌。当我看到那些在YouTube上没有建立起影响力的品牌时,我觉得他们疯了。令人费解的是,还会有人不好好利用youtube提供的机会。这是美国最令人垂涎的工作,并且充分的理由支撑。这简直就是一座金矿。 When I was a kid, I watched YouTube all the time. It was always my dream job. I didn’t want to be an astronaut or a doctor—I couldn’t envision a world where I wasn’t a YouTuber. I started my channel in 2012 and only got 40 subscribers my first year. Now I have one of the fastest growing channels in the world. I gained more than 15 million subscribers in 2019 alone with just over 4 billion video views. And it’s still growing every day. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我一直在看YouTube。这一直是我梦寐以求的工作。我不想成为一名宇航员或医生——我无法想象我的世界中没有YouTuber。我在2012年创办了我

Seeking happiness is an immediate reflection of genes for the continuation of the species

Seeking happiness is an immediate reflection of genes for the continuation of the species  We should understand that seeking happiness is an immediate reflection of genes for the continuation of the species, and its purpose is not related to personal interests. The pleasure of eating is to ensure that the body gets sufficient nutrition, while the joy of sex is a means to encourage reproduction. Their practical value is above everything else. When a man is physically attracted to a woman, he will imagine (assuming he can think about such things) that his desires are personal. But in fact, his sexual interest is just a trick of genes that cannot be seen with the naked eye and is completely manipulated. When this attraction is only based on physiological reflexes, the influence of personal consciousness is negligible. There is nothing wrong with following the reaction of genes and enjoying the pleasure of nature. Still, we should recognize the truth and be our masters according to our pri

Improving the quality of life is an endless drudgery

Improving the quality of life is an endless drudgery  The contradiction that the better the life, the more dissatisfied it is shown that improving the quality of life is an endless drudgery. In fact, as long as we feel happy in the process of struggle, there is nothing wrong with setting new goals; But the problem is that most people always put all their efforts into new goals. They can't enjoy the present, so they are insulated from the happiness of contentment.

This long-term greed is another obstacle in the pursuit of contentment

This long-term greed is another obstacle in the pursuit of contentment  Before explaining how to achieve the optimal flow experience, we must first briefly talk about the potential obstacles in the human situation. The old story tells us that before "living a happy life from now on", the hero must fight with the fire-breathing dragon and the evil magician. The same analogy applies to spiritual adventure. I think the reason why happiness is hard to find is mainly that human beings believe that the universe exists to meet our needs. However, the reality is quite different, in fact, there are deep seeds of depression in life. As long as a certain desire is satisfied for a while, we immediately desire more. This long-term greed is another obstacle in the pursuit of contentment.

The ultimate goal of rock climbing is to climb

The ultimate goal of rock climbing is to climb  The mystery of rock climbing lies in the climbing itself; When you climb to the top of the rock, although you are glad that you have finished, in fact, you hope to continue to climb up and never stop. The ultimate goal of rock climbing is to climb, just as the goal of writing poetry is to write; The only thing you can conquer is your own heart... Writing is the reason why poetry exists. Climbing is the same, just to make sure that you are a flow. The purpose of the flow is to flow continuously, not to reach the top of the mountain or Utopia. It is not an upward movement, but a continuous flow; Climb up just to keep the flow going. There is no other reason to climb a mountain except to climb mountain. It is a kind of self-communication.

Don't be slaves to external targets

  Don't be slaves to external targets When the outside world provides you with a goal, it often attracts you to follow it with some kind of reward. The motivation of most prizes in the world is to control you. Don't be slaves to external targets, and refuse their rewards. The most effective way to reject external rewards is to establish "internal rewards", that is, to select your goals and gain inner order and growth pleasure in following your dreams. This is internal rewards and self-rewards.

When the challenges match your skills, there will be heart flow

when the challenges match your skills, there will be heart flow  There must be challenges in the activities that can create heart flow, and the challenges should be dynamic, that is, when the challenges match your skills, there will be heart flow. When the goal of the challenge is much higher than your skills, anxiety will arise, and the goal of the challenge should be reduced. When your skills are higher than the set goals, continuing this activity will lead to boredom, so you need to improve your goals in order to maintain the challenges and flow. It is in the process of improving skills and raising goals that those involved feel the pleasure of growth. This is the true meaning of happiness.

Happiness is not the theme of life

 Happiness is not the theme of life  All the discussions in Mihari's book are to prove that happiness is not the theme of life, but an incidental phenomenon. Happiness is the state when you put your heart and soul into a thing, reach the level of selflessness, and thus obtain inner order and peace.

Any educated person knows how to get what he wants without violating the interests of others

Any educated person knows how to get what he wants without violating the interests of others  Experience has shown that the most educated people are usually those who can "rely on themselves" or become self-taught. A diploma is not enough to make a person have an education. Any educated person knows how to get what he wants without violating the interests of others. Education not only needs to acquire knowledge but also needs to understand how to apply knowledge persistently and effectively. People can get rewards not only because they understand knowledge, but more importantly, they know everything through the practice and application of knowledge.

Knowledge is not power

 Knowledge is not power Knowledge will not attract money automatically. Only by organizing knowledge and guiding it in a practical and planned way can we advance towards the goal of accumulating wealth. It is precise because of the lack of understanding of this fact that people mistakenly believe that "knowledge is power". In fact, this is nothing at all! Knowledge is only a latent power. Knowledge can become power only if it is combined with a clear plan of action and a clear purpose. In today's civilized society, such "disconnection" in the education system can be seen everywhere because educational institutions fail to teach students how to organize and use knowledge after they understand it.

The subconscious will accept any instruction given to it in a state of absolute confidence

   The subconscious will accept any instruction given to it in a state of absolute confidence Of course, these instructions often need to be presented repeatedly before the subconscious can accept them. According to this view, we can consider playing a reasonable "trick" on the subconscious. Because you firmly believe in yourself, you can make the subconscious also believe that you can have the wealth in your imagination and believe that this wealth is waiting for you to possess. In this way, the subconscious will naturally hand over specific plans to you to obtain the ideal wealth.

Faith, love, and sex are the most powerful positive emotions

 Faith, love, and sex are the most powerful positive emotions Of all the primary positive emotions, faith, love, and sex are the most powerful. When combined, the three can add a special "color effect" to the impulse of thought, making it immediately enter the subconscious level and turn into the same spiritual force there. This is the only way to respond from "infinite wisdom". Love and faith are spiritual, and are connected with human hearts. Sex is purely physical and only related to the body. When the three are mixed or merged, a path will be opened between the limited thinking of mankind and the infinite wisdom of the universe.

No one will be ready to accept unless they believe they can have it

No one will be ready to accept unless they believe they can have it  There is a fundamental difference between wanting something and being ready to accept it. No one will be ready to accept unless they believe they can have it. This mindset is faith, not just hope and desire. Only with a broad mind can people have faith. Self isolation will never inspire people's confidence, courage and faith. Please remember that it is no more difficult to set high goals in life and pursue prosperity than to accept poverty and misfortune.

There are six clear and practical steps to turning the desire for money into reality

 There are six clear and practical steps to turning the desire for money into reality First, imagine how much money you want. Just say to yourself, "I hope I can get enough money." It is far from enough. We must quantify our wishes (psychologically, this certainty is reasonable, and we will introduce it in detail in the next chapter). Second, in order to obtain the above-mentioned certain amount of money, make clear how much effort you can make to exchange this wealth (there is no money in the world for nothing). Third, determine when you want to get this wealth. Fourth, make a specific plan to realize the ideal, and then start to implement the plan immediately regardless of whether you are ready or not. Fifth, make a clear and specific list, write down the amount of money you want, the deadline for getting the money, the price you need to pay, and a clear plan for successfully obtaining the wealth. Sixth, read the list aloud at least twice a day, read it before going to bed

It is impossible to have wealth simply by expectation

It is impossible to have wealth simply by expectation  When everyone reaches the stage of understanding the importance of money, he hopes to have it. It is impossible to have wealth simply by expectation. However, if you have a strong desire and can turn this desire into a persistent pursuit, then you can formulate a clear method and way to obtain wealth, and use the attitude and perseverance of never giving up before reaching the Yellow River as a strong backing, then anyone can succeed!

Just right is enough

Just right is enough  There is no such thing as perfection, no perfect interpersonal relationship, no perfect boss and teacher, no perfect friend, no perfect lover, no perfect father and mother. Take your own needs as the standard, just right is enough. You don't need to pursue perfection, and you can't pursue perfection, because there is no such thing.

The short history of human beings

The short history of human beings  If we shorten the age of the earth to one year, then humans will appear in the last half hour of the last day of the year. About 250000 years ago, our ancestors, modern people, were born in East Africa. According to DNA analysis, the ancestors of modern humans should be early Homo sapiens, and then Homo erectus. When modern people were born, there were many other human beings competing with modern people, and the most competitive one was the Neanderthals mentioned earlier. Modern people also compete with each other. They kill each other while hunting. In the end, only a few tribes survived.

People of previous generations should consider survival and security.

People of previous generations should consider survival and security.   John Adams, one of the founding fathers of the United States, has a famous saying, that well sums up the differences in the issues that people pay attention to in different periods of civilization: "I must learn politics and war so that my children can learn mathematics, philosophy, geography, natural history, and so on, and then my grandchildren can learn painting, poetry, music, architecture, needlework weaving, and porcelain art." The same is true of mankind. People of previous generations should consider survival and security. This is the necessity of politics and war as Adams said; Next, we should consider the construction and development of society, which can not be separated from science and engineering; When these things are done well, human beings will pursue higher spiritual things such as art.

We humans are still "too young"

we humans are still "too young"  Each of us will more or less encounter some unpleasant things, see or hear such and such ugly phenomena. We sometimes complain about society and have doubts about the future. We often hear such complaints: "it's the 21st century......" it seems that in today's civilization, everything must be reasonable. In fact, the civilization history of human beings for thousands of years is too short compared with the history of the earth, which is equivalent to the relationship between a few minutes and a year. Although our society today is more advanced than that in the period of agricultural civilization, it is still very primary compared with the level of civilization it can achieve. Therefore, I have nothing to complain about when encountering all kinds of shortcomings because we humans are still "too young". Compared with the long road to go in the future, the road we have traveled can only be regarded as a beginning. For

God, gold and glory

God, gold, and glory  In the long run, there are no more than three G's to promote the progress of human civilization: God, gold, and glory. The science and art of the ancient Greeks are for glory. Many studies have no direct application value, and their feelings are amazing. However, the replicability of other civilizations is not optimistic; In the middle ages, the great expansion of Islam relied on the strong welding power given by God. However, when Ma Fang Nanshan was released, it was the beginning of the decline of this civilization; Throughout the history of mankind over the past 2000 years, only the profit factor represented by gold is the universal driving force that transcends all nations and cultures.

Convergence problems and divergent problems

 Convergence problems and divergent problems We know that there are problems that have been solved and problems that have not been solved. Perhaps we think that the former is not a problem; But when it comes to the latter, are there still problems that have not been solved or even can not be solved at all? First, let's take a look at the problems that have been solved. Take a design problem as an example. For example, how to make a two-wheeled human transport? People have put forward various solutions, and these solutions are converging day by day. Finally, a design scheme stands out, which is a bicycle. As a result, this answer will be handed down forever. Why does this answer last forever? Because it conforms to the laws of the world - the laws of the inanimate nature. I intend to refer to problems of this nature as "convergence problems". The more you study them rationally, the more these answers will come together. These problems can be divided into "convergence

Why misunderstanding and injustice can be seen everywhere

  Why misunderstanding and injustice can be seen everywhere  We tend to view ourselves first from our intentions, which others cannot see. At the same time, we view others first from their actions, which we can see. Therefore, we are prone to be in a situation where misunderstanding and injustice can be seen everywhere.

What is Yoga? Yoga is the control of the thoughts in the mind.

 What is Yoga?  Yoga is the control of the thoughts in the mind. According to the greatest yoga teacher Patanjali (about 300 BC), "Yoga is the control of the thoughts in the mind." Our situation is not only the reality of life we encounter but also, to a greater extent, the thoughts in our minds. It is impossible to control the environment without first controlling the thoughts in one's mind. The most important and common teaching of various religions (in Buddhist terms) is inner observation - clear vision. Only those who successfully put "thinking ability" in its proper place can do so. In this way, the thinking ability can keep silent obediently, and only when receiving specific and clear tasks can it start to operate. Therefore, your imagination, which is always very active, must be constantly suppressed. If you don't restrain it, it will restrain you.

Why is it so different to just adjust the study time to the morning?

Why is it so different to just adjust the study time to the morning? Usually, we habitually go to work, then home to study, feel tired, have a terrible rest, and then go to work the next day with reduced efficiency. Why is it so different to just adjust the study time to the morning? Because the human brain and subconscious are deceptive. That is to say, when you finally get off work, your brain will send a signal to your body that "this day is over, it's time to rest". Obviously, your body is still in spirit, but under such a signal, you will feel tired unconsciously. If you still persist in learning, it will be a loss to your perseverance and mind - attention is a loss rather than exercise because your brain and body are constantly sending you signals to rest and end. Moreover, after dinner, the blood is concentrated in your stomach, so the brain bag is not enough and the learning efficiency is poor.

Develop the habit of taking immediate action

 Develop the habit of taking immediate action It is very easy for everyone to overestimate "tomorrow's self" rather than grasp the present self.  Many things are put off until tomorrow or the next second. Therefore, procrastination began, because the future seems to be infinitely long when you are young, but when you reach the age of 60, you suddenly find that you have achieved nothing. So, when you decide to do something, don't make excuses for yourself. It takes several days to make a plan. In fact, all the plans are adjusted by yourself. Just take 5 minutes to write down what you want to do, and then start with the easiest one. Keep this in mind: it's now or never. In our dictionary, words like "later" or "tomorrow" actually mean "never". Never say anything like "fresh start" or "tomorrow is another day". It's now or never, never tomorrow, and never next second! Take action now, never wait until tomorrow, ne

Keep learning in your whole life

Keep learning in your whole life  There is no difference between people who study and those who don't study every day, and there is little difference every month, and it seems that the difference is not obvious every year. But every five years, it may have been a huge division of wealth, and when we look at it again in ten years, it may have been an unreachable gap between one kind of life and another. If you have missed the past, are you willing to grasp the future from now on? Encourage each other.

Higher animals are a unity

Higher animals are a unity  At the inorganic level, there is no integration. Dividing and re-dividing these inanimate substances will not lose their quality or form, because, at this level, there is nothing to lose. Even at the plant level, its internal unity is very weak. Even if some parts of the plant are removed, it will not affect the survival of the plant, and it can grow into independent plants. In contrast, animals are more integrated. As a complete biological system, higher animals are a unity. If it is separated, its parts cannot survive independently. However, the level of integration of these animals' spirits is not high, and even the most advanced animals are quite limited in terms of logic and consistency; In general, their memory is weak, and their intelligence is ambiguous.

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The Youtube Formula --FOREWORD BY MR BEAST

Music can promote romance and help soldiers move forward in unison